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Pet Poisoning Prevention Tips

All year round, pets are unpredictable. Prevention is the key to a safe environment for pets (and children). Keep your pet safe by being aware of common pet toxins around your house and yard.​

  1. Use Products On Your Pet Wisely

Fleas, ticks, other parasites and certain skin conditions often necessitate the use of shampoos and topical treatments. Not following the usage directions is one of the most common causes of pet toxicity. This is definitely a case where more is NOT better! Please read and understand all directions when using shampoos, dips, spot-on treatments, etc. for your pet. Also observe the "after treatment" before letting children be around and handle the pet to reduce unnecessary exposure.


 2. Only use products and medications designed for the pet

Do not use dog products (or medications) on cats and vice versa. The dosing is often different, and things that are OK for one species may be quite toxic to another. The same goes for using human medications and topical treatments on pets -- do not do so unless under direct recommendation/advice from your veterinarian.


3. Keep all medications out of reach

Dogs have been known to down large quantities of pre-natal vitamins, ibuprofen, Vitamin C, and so on. It may be curiosity, it may be the taste (many have a sweet or even chocolate flavored coating). Pet medications may be meat-flavored. Whatever the reason, medication overdose is an emergency. The sooner the better to rid the body of excess toxin. Please call your veterinarian or Animal Poison Control to find the best way to rid or deactivate the toxin (via vomition or activated charcoal).


4. Restrict/eliminate the use of rodenticides (rat poison)

Rat and mice infestation carry their own set of health problems for people and pets, and should be removed from inhabited areas. It is important consider your pet's safety when getting rid of rodents. Rat poison is a bait -- this works for rodents as well as pets. Even if the poison is hidden or seemingly out of your pet's reach, determined pets can be quite creative when trying to reach the bait. Additionally, rodents that die from the poison and are ingested by pets post a risk to the pet.


5. Common Food and Dietary Hazards

Never give your pet spoiled or moldy food. Chocolate, grapes, and raisins are also toxic to pets. Avocados are toxic to birds. Coffee, tea and alcholic beverages should never be offered to pets

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